Tag Archives: poas

Want to know WAY too much about me?

Wish granted.

We’ve been trying to conceive for 2 years. In the past year, I have mastered charting all my cycles and I OBSESS over symptoms. Can’t help it. I feel a cramp too early for PMS and I want to jump on the couch like Tom Cruise on Oprah and yell, “YES! IMPLANTATION!!!”

I ovulated 8 days ago. That means I have to wait to take a pregnancy test for a few more very long days and just wonder if this new zit, that leg cramp, this little bit of nausea, that need I had for a nap yesterday and the fact that I want to eat everything in sight is leading me to the pregnancy promised land or if they’re all just signs of Impending Doom, also known as a period. Seriously, the urge to pee on a stick is so great that I may need to have someone come and pry them from my hands. 

(And now in infertility speak: TTC 2 yrs, 8 dpo, in 2ww, dying to poas, did I BD enough? wondering chances or early hpt, too early for a bfp or are these just symptoms of AF? BBT still up! Is that implantation spotting? FX!)


I’ve given up wine and lunch meat. I take a thyroid medicine, prenatal vitamins (I hate these things. They’re the size of my thumb.), baby aspirin, and Folic acid. If it’s before ovulation (Pre-O) I take evening primrose oil. Go look up the reason, I dare you. You’ll be so grossed out you won’t eat all day. I take my temperature every morning when I wake up. I note the time of my bathroom trips so I can feel comfortable saying that this is “frequent urination.” (Who decided what constitutes “frequent,” anyway? My mom seems to pee every five minutes and she’s definitely not pregnant. No uterus.)

So there you go. I’m hanging out in the 2WW (two week wait, not two groups of Weight Watchers.) My life seems to be separated into 2 week increments. 

I’m working children’s worship at my church this weekend and we’re talking about patience. The lesson is called “Baby Love” and it’s centered on Hannah praying for a child. 

Again, God, with the irony.

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